
I've had loads of requests from people who want to put Flood Maps on their own web-site. Well, I've finally found a way to allow it, and still pay for my server.

Just place the following IFRAME code on your site, and voila!

<iframe style="width:600px;height:600px"
 scrolling="no" frameborder="no" marginheight="0"></iframe>

Note that the width and height of the IFRAME must be the same as the w and h parameters in the URL. You can also add any of the following parameters to the URL:

  • ll — lat/long, e.g. 57.0,-1.3
  • m — metres above sea level
  • zoom — zoom level, up to a maximum zoom of 17.
  • type — map type, roadmap|satellite|hybrid|terrain

You can copy all of these parameters from the link in the bottom-left corner of the Flood Maps page. Just navigate until you find the scene you want, and then copy the URL parameters into the above HTML fragment.

The frame contains a Google ad-unit, which should make enough money to offset the cost of serving all the additional map tiles. Here's an example:

scrolling="no" frameborder="no" marginheight="0">