Object-oriented JavaScript for the C++ programmer.
This article presents a bestiary of JavaScript constructs, set against their equivalent in C++. Most of the basic class and object tools are available in JavaScript, and the syntax is often recognisably similar.
C++ is listed first in maroon followed by the corresponding JavaScript in dark green. For simplicity, C++ methods are defined inline.
Global variable:
int global =0;
var global =0;
Global function definition:
Note that the JavaScript syntax for a function definition is the same as a class definition:
int global_function(int i, int j) { return 0; }
function global_function(i,j) { return 0; }
Local variable:
A local variable uses the same syntax as a global, but it is declared within a function's scope.
void f() { int local =0; }
function f() { var local =0; }
Local static variable:
int f() { static int static_local=0; static_local++; return static_local; }
function f() { if(typeof this.static_local == 'undefined') this.static_local=0; this.static_local++; return this.static_local; }
Class definition:
Note that the JavaScript syntax for a class definition is the same as a function definition. Use it as a class definition by calling it with the new keyword to make a new object.
class C { };
function C() { }
Create a new object:
The new operator is crucial to object orientated JavaScript. In this example, C can be called as a normal global function, but when called with new it becomes the constructor for a new Object.
C* obj = new C();
var obj = new C();
member variable - PUBLIC:
The example includes a class constructor that initialises the member variable.
class C { public: int m_public; C(int i): m_public(i) {} };
function C(i) { this.m_public = i; }
member variable - PRIVATE:
The example includes a class constructor that initialises the member variable. I don't recommend using this in JavaScript - it works for simple classes, but breaks down if you try to use inheritance (JavaScript prototypes).
class C { int m_private; public: C(int i): m_private(i) {} };
function C(i) { var m_private = i; }
member variable - STATIC PUBLIC:
The example initialises the variable and also includes a class constructor that uses the variable.
class C { public: static int m_static; C() { m_static++; } }; int C::m_static =0;
function C(i) { C.m_static++; } C.m_static =0;
member function - PUBLIC:
The example is an accessor function for a private member variable.
class C { int m_private; public: C(int i): m_private(i) {} int accessor() { return m_private; } };
function C(i) { var m_private = i; this.accessor = function() { return m_private; } }
member function - PRIVATE:
class C { private: void implementation() {} };
member function - STATIC PUBLIC:
The example is a simple factory function. Since the JavaScript function is defined outside the class, you cannot access any static private functions that the class may contain.
class C { public: C() {} static C* factory() { return new C(); } }; C* obj = C::factory(); // called from outside
function C() { } C.factory = function() { return new C(); } var obj = C.factory(); // called from outside
member function - STATIC PRIVATE:
In Internet Explorer's JavaScript, nested functions are indeed private. Firefox and Safari allow you to call these functions from outside, but you must specify the fully scoped name (e.g. C.sum(1,2);).
class C { private: static int sum(int a, int b) { return a+b; } public: C() {} };
function C() { function sum(a, b) { return a+b; } }
Side-by-side Summary:
C++ | JavaScript |
int global_variable =0; int global_function(int i) { global_variable += i; return global_variable; } class C { private: int m_private; public: int m_public; static int m_static; C(int i, int j): m_private(i), m_public(j) { m_static++; } int accessor() { return m_private; } private: void implementation() { } public: static C* factory() { return new C(); } }; int C::m_static =0; |
var global_variable =0; function global_function(i) { global_variable += i; return global_variable; } function C(i,j) { // (m_private not inheritable) var m_private = i; this.m_public = j; C.m_static++ this.accessor = function() { return m_private; } function implementation() { } } // end of C C.factory = function() { return new C(); } C.m_static =0; |
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