
Sign the pledge: I will move to an ISP that does not censor my Internet access but only if 1,000 other people in the UK will do the same.

The following UK Internet Service Providers are censoring their users' web-access:

  • Opal Telecommunications
  • Virgin Media
  • Be Unlimited/O2/Telefonica
  • Demon Internet
  • Easynet/UK Online/Sky
  • Plusnet
  • Eclipse Internet / Kingston Communications

On 5 December 2008, it was noticed that access to Wikipedia from the United Kingdom was being routed through a small number of "transparent" proxies, and that access to an article (Virgin Killer) and image (Image:Virgin_Killer.jpg) which appeared on that article were being blocked completely to people using those proxies.

The censored page is

More details at ZDNet, Wikipedia and The Register.