Apparently Twitter has been a-tweet over David Ramsey's list of "20 Things the Rich Do Every Day". Ben Irwin has posted a pointed ripose, but the original post is a hoot.
The controversial list isn't all that bad. There are a handful of good points ("81% of wealthy maintain a to-do list vs. 19% of poor") surrounded by a sea of ignorance. He seems to think that if only the poor had more time, and above all money, then they wouldn't be so poor. E.g. "76% of wealthy exercise aerobically four days a week. 23% of poor do this".
No, don't read it for the list. Read it for the amazing screed that he's added to "defend" himself from all the criticism. Here are some choice nuggets:
"I am amazed at how many of my brothers and sisters in Christ have attacked us because of a simple list posted on our website."
A "simple list".
"When you actually bother to look into what we teach, you find generosity and grace taught throughout."
Saying it doesn't make it so.
"There is a direct correlation between your habits, choices and character in Christ and your propensity to build wealth [...]. To dispute that or attribute hate to that statement is immature and ignorant."

"My wife and I started our lives with almost nothing [...] driving two cars [...]"
You couldn't make this stuff up.
"God has blessed our efforts and we have done well, and for that I am incredibly grateful and humbled."
The idea that this man thinks he is "humble" is preposterous. I hereby award him my "narcissist of the week" prize.
I've never heard of David Ramsey before today, because I don't watch TV so I've had no chance to watch his TV show, and I certainly don't read self-help books, his or anyone else's. I'm confused though: Since "67% of wealthy watch one hour or less of TV every day vs. 23% of poor", but "86% of wealthy love to read vs. 26% of poor" - does that mean that poor people watch his TV shows, but then switch to reading his books once they've achieved wealth?... But, why would they be reading his books if they're already rich?... Perhaps the books are about how to keep hold of your money, rather than actually making it?
Maybe I'm over-analysing.