I've updated my EventCalendar2 plugin for WordPress 1.5 again! It's far easier to use than it was before. A new Options screen replaces the need to configure the plugin through template function parameters. A new template function generates a list of forthcoming events.
Latest version:http://blog.firetree.net/wp-content/plugins/eventcalendar31.zip
Read thelatest documentation.
Documentation for EventCalendar 2.3
Download it here: http://blog.firetree.net/wp-content/plugins/zip/eventcalendar23.zip
EventCalendar 2.3 is compatible with WordPress No hacks or source code editing are required. If you have trouble, first make sure you are using the very latest Wordpress code.
NEW! Try the beta release ofEventCalendar3!
Template Changes: CALENDAR
<?php get_calendar(); ?>
<?php ec2_get_calendar(); ?>
Template Changes: EVENT LIST
- limit:The maximum number of future events to list.
- date_format (OPTIONAL):A PHP date format string. If this option is not provided, thenWordpress' normal date format is used.
<li id="calendar"> < ?php ec2_get_calendar(); ?> </li> <li>< ?php _e('Events:'); ?> < ?php ec2_get_events(5,'j F'); ?> </li>
- Event category:Set the category you use for upcoming events.
- Number of months:How many monthly calendars should be drawn by the ec2_get_calendar()function. This is useful for looking forward to upcoming events.
- Show all categories in calendar:Choose whether the calendars should show all posts, or just events.
- Show day names as:Day names in calendar can be abbreviated down to 3 letters ('Mon','Tue', etc.) or just one letter ('M', 'T', etc.).
The first day of the week is set on Wordpress' 'General Options' screen.
Stylesheet changes:
Id #wp-calendar is no longer a table, but a div that contains one or more tables. At the very least, you'll want to change the selector for the #wp-calendar rule from:
#wp-calendar {
#wp-calendar table {
Add a rule to highlight event days. There is a new class 'eventday':
#wp-calendar a.eventday { color:#a00 }
Publish a vCalendar
- Key: "duration"
- Value: <number of hours>